For those who want to be cats

Many of the people who envy cats are "one's free", "being cute and being healed", "not being jealous" and so on will become one of their yearnings.

However, the most important thing to learn is the characteristics of cats. Among them, it is not particularly "flexibility" what should be learned !!! (∇ ∇)))

You can land from a high place, pass through people's hands and go through a narrow place ... this can not be done without it.


In fact, I do not get injured because it is relatively soft for ordinary people (about 90% ...)

There is also an episode properly.

At a restaurant that used to work before, there is a waste dump in the elevator for work, and there is a very large flower shop's entrance (possibly a person who knows the shop here), but the elevator After pushing the open extension, all the staff push the trash bin and run and go back to the competition to do something and return.

One day, when I was pushing the trash bin and running as usual, why did it happen ... I jumped over the trash and slid away from the belly while sliding away.

However, I was praised as "You are an action star or a laugh" without being hurt or painful because I was surprised. (Don't praise?) It was totally undamaged.

I did not have sports experience until I became an adult (only swimming was learned by the influence of asthma when I was a child), and it was a dull life, but that day was like a yearning Jackie Chan.

It was a story that if the body was soft it would make the impact work well.


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